Our Training
Community Roots CIC offers flexible training options with a variety of workshops that are suitable for the voluntary and public sectors.
Our short workshops give a good grounding in areas such as listening skills and power dynamics, and our training can be adapted into courses that are specific to the needs of your organisation.
Our workshops can be delivered face to face or online.
‘Even the wisest mind has something yet to learn’
George Santayana
Our Workshops
The Practice of Community Organising
(3 hours)
This course is designed to introduce you to the practice of community organising. We will explore the community organising framework and principles of practice
Listening Skills
(3 hours)
During this course we will explore the importance of listening in building trust, we will look at the levels of listening, the practice of active listening and take part in practical exercises to learn new listening skills.
Listening Campaigns
(3 hours or 4 hours if you choose the door knocking option)
During this course we will explore using powerful questions to develop a listening campaign and how to present the data you collect.
We can also incorporate a practical door knocking session.
The Impact of Power
(3.5 hours)
Power affects all aspects of our lives - our personal lives, our work lives and our leisure time and during this module we will explore the effects of power on our everyday lives
Who holds power in our lives
Bias and unconscious bias
Power Dynamics
(3.5 hours)
We will explore power in our communities.
Who holds the power?
What types of power are there?
How we can work together to shift the balance of power?
We will look at positive and negative manifestations of power and how to map power.
Planning Community Action (3 hours)
The focus of this module is planning a campaign to address an issue in your community. We will explore the characteristics of organised action, resourcing your campaign and using your power maps to inform your strategy.
Gathering Support and Sharing your Story
In order for your campaign to be successful you will need support, during this session we will explore the use of public narrative to tell your story and explore tactics to gather support for your cause.
Planning a Community Event (3.5 hours)
The focus of this course is how to plan a community event and we will work through the stages of designing and planning an event. - from exploring the purpose of the event, through choosing a venue, costing the event and health and safety.
Inclusivity and Diversity
(3 hours)
Each of us has many facets, some of which are visible and some that are less obvious We will explore the power of connection and how to be inclusive in the work we do in our communities and how by exploring the facets which connect us we can become inclusive and promote the positives of diversity.
Team Building and Shared Leadership
(3 hours)
During this module we will be exploring how to build a team and build a culture of shared leadership.
We will look at how to build team cultures and establish visions and goals that bring you all together.
Shared leadership is at the core of good community work, building a culture where you acknowledge peoples strengths and support people to work together to achieve team goals
Reflection and Evaluation
(3 hours)
In this module we explore the power of reflective practice and how it can support your work in communities.
We will look at the difference between reflection, assessment and evaluation.
We will look at the different methods we use to evaluate projects and report back to those who have employed or funded the projects we work on.
Digital Organising
(3 hours)
During the pandemic we have learnt the value of connecting digitally and during this module we will be looking at how we can connect and plan in a digital world.
We will discuss different platforms and how best to use them, ways to connect and to meet up and explore platforms to plan and support project work.