2025 is looking exciting for Community Roots with exciting new projects and the chance to continue the work we love.
The Ewe Space
Penny will continue working with the residents of Matson at this lovely Community Hub in Matson.
Thanks to the support of the Gloucestershire Gateway Trust, Gloucester City Homes and GL Communities Penny has been able to work with local residents to ensure their voices are heard.
Gloucester Park Cafe
Community Roots has been working with Gloucester City Council to reopen the Cafe in Gloucester Park and will be reopening the cafe in the spring of 2025.
Alongside reopening the cafe we will be working alongside the local community to support activities and events in the park
Continuing work with local food projects
Community Roots are pleased that we will be continuing our work with Good Food Cheltenham and Nourishing Gloucester. It has been a privilege to work with these food movements and we are excited to be continuing to support both the district and cross-district work.
Social Action Hub
Community Roots is pleased to announce that we have rejoined the Community Organisers network of Social Action Hubs and in 2025 we will once again deliver Community Organising training.
Westgate Food Shop and Social Action Hub
In Spring 2025 Community Roots will begin work to open a new Community Food shop and Social Action Hub in the Westgate area of Gloucester.
Thanks to support from Gloucester City Homes and working in partnership with Nourishing Gloucester and We are Project Grow CIC.